Wednesday, October 8, 2014

I wonder what housekeeping will think?

So far our attempts to re secure housing are on HOLD.  This is my attempt to calm frustrations and pretend that we are already settled in. Today we walked a mile to the library and then had a picnic in the nearby park. On the walk back to the hotel we stopped by the grocery store for pencils (I purchased homework books for Ben and EHRE... Yes I'm that mom that won't give them a break in school) and a big stack of construction paper. 

So today we decorated for Halloween it's simple and surprisingly there wasn't any orange paper in the pack but it was a fun activity. Im now hoping that housekeeping will leave it up tomorrow. :) Then all four kids snuggled with me as we started to read "The Unwanted" series together. 

To top it off my running shoes arrived today so tonight I'm headed out for a run or the hotel gym. 

Today's lesson: Life is what you make it to be. If you don't like what's going on change what you CAN control and let the other issues work themselves out.... Or revisit in a few days...weeks... (Gosh this better not be a month long hotel stay.)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're doing awesome things under the circumstances. Keep it up!
