(This is what happens when mom can't decide which stroller to get.... Thank goodness I have a 30 return policy!)
1. Find a place to live!!
2. Grocery shopping...feeding a family of 6 under $100 when eggs are $3 milk is almost $4.... This won't be easy!
3. Jeff needs 1-2 suits
4. Find a good city stroller... Any suggestions, I want one that folds up right but is tall enough for me.
5. Visit 4 shoe stores.... No one carries size 11.5 womans runnig shoes. :( now I need to order them online.
6. Finish canceling utilities
7. Research schools..... Again
8. Go to the gym... In flip flops or socks???
9. Find the kids sweaters and shoes please tell me they aren't packed into our tiny storage unit that is a ways from here?!
10. It goes on and on.... Ah the life of a transient not quite homeless family.
What can I tell you so far about the city....
It never ends. I have no sense of north or south or distance. Google maps tells me how to get everywhere. we did drive past this basilica and its huge and gorgeous. I wonder if they would let us go inside?
Yesterday we did get to enjoy one session of conference at the Washington DC Temple visitors center. Stadium seating plus we officially met the parents of some Bloomington friends. It was by far the most relaxing part of our day!
Tomorrow I've got to find a library to hang out at for a few hours....better yet I need a routine and schedule.
You're doing awesome! I have no doubt this will be a grand adventure full of ups and downs, but a truly rewarding experience for your whole family!